Luncheon Alliance networking event August 1st sponsored by…

Jeremy Baker and Arroyo Financial  and Insurance Solutions sponsors out networking Luncheon Alliance on WEdnesday, August 1st at 11:45am. Mr. Baker will discuss how you can ensure the fnancial stability of your company and its prosperity with the insurance and financial products.

SIP-tember: A Celebration of the Cocktail Kick-off Party is…

Cocktail Bracket Challenge begins August 1st

Kick-off event to feature cocktail tutorials by White Horse Mixologists, Friendly competition for favorite cocktail of the evening


LA's Largest Mixer - join us Thursday, July 26th at…

Kaiser Permanente Offers a Hand Up to Small Businesses-Sogn…

Pasadena Chamber member restaurants taking part in DineLA

Looking for some great deals on meals?

Want to try a new Pasadena restaurant?

These Pasadena Chamber members are doing DineLA restaurant week through July 27th:

Beware online pfishing schemes using familiar names but…

Recently, there has been an increase in email pfishing schemes and attempts.

One of the most recent uses a familiar name as the email sender, but has a different return email address.

Cabrera's hosts Pasadena Chamber After Hours social…

Cabrera's Mexican Cuisine at 655 North Lake Avenue hosts the July Pasadena Chamber After Hours Social and Mixer beginning at 5pm on Thursday, July 19th from 5pm to 7pm.

More than 200 celebrate at Pasadena Chamber Gala at Langham…

The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce and Civic Association hosted its annual Inaugural Gala at the Langham Huntington Hotel in Pasadena. More than 200 community and business leaders joined Congresswoman Judy Chu and State Senator Anthony Portantino, Pasadena Assistant City Manager Julie Gutierrez and Fire Chief Bertral Washington who attended with his wife Cheri and Glendale City Council Member Paula Devine.

Help Pasadena Water and Power plan for the future - here…

Help PWP Plan for the Future

irpIn the next few months, PWP will begin the process of updating its Power Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), which is a long-range blueprint for supplying reliable and environmentally responsible electricity at competitive rates. PWP welcomes and values your input to this important process.

Kick-off party for LA's Largest Mixer is Thursday,…

Join us as our partner (and Chamber member) LA's Largest Mixer and the Pasadena Chamber host a kick-off party celebrating the event at the Women's City Club..

Pasadena Chamber Connection Breakfast on Thursday, July 12…

Our Thursday, July 12, 2018, Connection Breakfast is sponsored by Southern California News Group and AdTaxi. Breakfast begins at 7am at the Women's City Club in Pasadena.

The Women's City Club is at 160 North Oakland Avenue in Pasadena. There is ample FREE parking behind the club. Enter the parking lot from North Madison Avenue, just next to the Fuller Seminary lot.