LA County has disaster relief grants for businesses and workers.

You can find all the information here:

Grants are available for small businesses as well as workers who suffered losses. The application window closes February 24th. Apply NOW! Access information and applications here:


SBA has loans for homeowners at very low interest rates. 

SBA's Disaster Loan Program is active and accepting applications from
Los Angeles County homeowners, renters, businesses, and private non-profit organizations affected by the fires which began on Jan 7,2025 and continuing:

  • Home Disaster Loans – Loans to homeowners or renters to repair or replace disaster-damaged real estate and personal property, including automobiles.
  • Business Physical Disaster Loans – Loans to businesses to repair or replace disaster-damaged property owned by the business, including real estate, inventories, supplies, machinery, and equipment. Businesses of any size are eligible. Private, non-profit organizations such as charities, churches, private universities, etc., are also eligible.  
  • Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) – Working capital loans to help small businesses, small agricultural cooperatives, small businesses engaged in aquaculture, and most private, non-profit organizations of all sizes meet their ordinary and necessary financial obligations that cannot be met as a direct result of the disaster. These loans are intended to assist through the disaster recovery period.

Those impacted homeowners, renters, nonprofits, and business owners can apply online using this link- California wildfires | U.S. Small Business Administration or in person at one of the following centers:

Disaster Recovery Center
540 W Woodbury Road
Altadena, CA 91001
Mondays - Sundays, 9 a.m. – 8 p.m

The time is scheduled to change on Monday February 10
Mondays - Sundays, 9 a.m. – 7 p.m 



Please check before visiting as donation sites and volunteer opportunities change daily.

GoFundMe Databases

Neighbors and Friends GoFundMe Database

Displaced Black Families GoFund Me Directory

Displaced Latine Families - LA Fires Mutual Aid Directory

Displaced Disabled Folks- LA Fires Mutual Aid Directory

Displaced Filipino Families GoFundMe Links

Support The Music Community - Fire Loss + Resource Tab 

Renters That Lost Housing in LA County Fires

Send money directly to incarcerated firefighters

Personal and Family Fundraisers from the Altadena Bulletin Board

GoFundMe's database of fundraisers for people affected by the LA wildfires

Donation Links

Pasadena Community Foundation Eaton Canyon Fire Recovery and Relief Fund

Pasadena Educational Fundation (PEF) Eaton Fire Response Fund

Donate to Mutual Aid LA Network (MALAN)

Flintridge Center Dena Fire Relief Fund

PCC Community Relief Fund

Pasadena Community Foundation Eaton Canyon Fire Recovery and Relief Fund

The Immigrant Worker Safety Net Fund (NDLON)

Clergy Community Coalition - Donate for Fire Relief

Habitat for Humanity Eaton Fire Community Rebuilding Fund

Donate for aid for deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals

Seed donations for the Altadena Seed Library to help re-seed Altadena

Donate to rebuild Amigos de los Rios

Donate to Rose City’s Fire RE-LEAF Program (provides low-fee therapy)

Donate to the Altadena Community Garden

Cash Aid for Outdoor Workers Impacted by LA County Wildfires

Friends in Deed Food Pantry

Altadena Community Fund

Anti-Recidivism Coalition's Fire Fighter Fund

Pasadena Humane Eaton Fire Emergency Fund

Donate to Altadena Teen Girls Fire Recovery

Donate to Altadena Teen Boys Fire Recovery

Donate to Home Bank LA/A Sense of Home

Inevitable Foundation's Emergency Relief Fund for Disabled Creatives

Air Purifier/Filter Donation Form

Help Clean Air LA Provide Clean Air Tools

California Community Foundation Wildfire Recovery Fund

Letters from Altadena: Wildfire Relief

DonorsChoose 2025 L.A. Wildfire Recovery Fund to Support Schools

Emergency Network Los Angeles

Fire Poppy Project: Support Renters Affected By Eaton Fire

Donate to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank

Donate to Reach Out WorldWide

Resource Hubs/Resources for Those Affected

Resources/Planning for People Who Have Lost Homes in Fires

Dena Resource Guide

Eaton Fire resources

Dena Housing Guide

LA Wildfires Resource Guide

Los Angeles Fire Emergency

Eaton Fire Resource Hub (Clergy Communty Coalition)

Guide to Disaster Assistance Services for Immigrant Californians

Resource request form for people without transportation

Application for Better Angels Emergency Assistance Fund

Free Mental Health Services for LA Wildfire Crisis

Free Therapy & Healing Resources for LA Fires

Pro Bono Therapy for Los Angeles Wildfires

Form for deaf/hard-of-hearing individuals to request help from OTG

LA Fires Displaced Animals Map

Disability & Disaster Hotline

Apply for disaster assisstance from FEMA

Intake form for small business insurance deductible relief fund

Emergency Zero-Interest Loans (for people of all faiths)

Supplies Request Form for People with Type 1 Diabetes

Richard Devylder Disaster Relief Fund for individuals with diabilities (application)

Brands Providing Products to Families Impacted by LA Fires

Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County Disaster Assistance Project

Rose City’s Fire RE-LEAF Program: 8 sessions of low-fee therapy for people affected

Altadena Bulletin Board

Hardship Resources for Entertainment Workers

PCC Fire Recovery Needs Assessment For (for PCC students, faculty, and staff)

View lost pets currently sheltered at Pasadena Humane

Home Bank LA Assistance Request Form (for support with home furnishings)

Pasadena Tenants Union Fire Tenants' Guide

Application for Grants from Inevitable Foundation's Emergency Relief Fund for Disabled Creatives

Request masks from Mask Bloc LA

USModernist to design houses pro-bono for residents of color in Altadena (info for interested homeowners under 'Los Angeles Update')

Eaton Fire Survivor's Network

LA Fires Assistance Request Form (ROWW)

Eaton Fire Resources Hub

Volunteer/Mutual Aid Opportunities

Neighbors and Friends Fire Relief Community Support

MALAN Fire & Wind Storm Resources

Dena Resource Guide - volunteer opportunities

LA Fires | IN PERSON Volunteer Opps

Eaton Fire Relief Resources - volunteer needs and donations

Flintridge Center Volunteer Interest Form

Volunteer with NDLON

Octavia's Bookshelf Mutual Aid Volunteer Sign-Up

Clergy Community Coalition Eaton Fire Relief Volunteer Interest Form

Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Interest Form

Network Needs & Resource AssessmentEaton Fire Relief Program: Volunteer Sign-up Form (Project Pasalubong / LCHS Filipino Club & Eaton Fire Relief Volunteer Corps)

Volunteer with World Central Kitchen

Volunteer with Friends in Deed

Volunteer Opportunities through L.A. Works

Volunteer Interest Form for Mask Bloc LA

Clean Air Los Angeles Volunteer Interest Form

Volunteer opportunity for architects to work with USModernist to design houses pro-bono for residents of color in Altadena (info under 'Los Angeles Update')

Los Angeles Conservancy's Wildfire Recovery Support: Soliciting Architects and Builders

Register to volunteer with legal services organizations

Volunteer with Reach Out WorldWide

Health, Mentral Health, Counseling and More

Eaton Health Village – in partnership with the Department of Mental Health, EHV is providing free medical and mental health care every Monday and Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Pasadena Seventh-Day Adventist Church (1280 E. Washington Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91104).

Services include medical consultations, medical refills, mental health services and case management, vision care, and dental care. Call 855-665-4621, press 3.

Foothill Family Center – (626) 993-3000; Therapists and counselors are providing trauma-informed care, grief counseling, and crisis intervention to those impacted by the Eaton Fire.

Peace Over Violence – 626-584-6191;; 892 N. Fair Oaks Ave., Suite D, Pasadena. If you have experienced sexual or domestic violence, intimate partner stalking, or child abuse, POV offers is innovative and comprehensive programs including Emergency Intervention, Prevention, Education, and Advocacy services.

Rose City Center – (626) 793-8609;; 595 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 719 Pasadena. As an expansion to its LEAF (Life Emergency Assistance Fund), Rose City has set aside funds to provide low-fee therapy to those struggling during the ongoing emergency in LA County. Rose City is offering a reduced rate for therapy services for up to eight sessions. Accepting in-person or virtual appointments.

D’Veal Family & Youth Services – (626) 296-8900;; 2750 E. Washington Blvd., Suite 230, Pasadena. Offers behavioral healthcare services to promote family wellness and strengthen the community through innovative and comprehensive behavioral healthcare services.

Additional Resources:

Resources for Parents/Caregivers (Pasadena Public Health Department)

Tips for Survivors of a Disaster – Coping with Retraumatization

The Mental Health Impact of Wildfires (American Psychiatric Association)

Wildfire & Mental Health (California Department of Public Health)

Mental Health and Stress After an Emergency: This one-page resource can help you identify common reactions and what you can do for you and your family.

How to Talk to Your Children About the California Wildfires and Other Natural Disasters (Parents Magazine, 2025)

BE PREPARED (UCLA COE) – Tipsheet to support parents in speaking with their kids about difficult situations

Children & Recovery from Wildfires – guide that goes through potential reactions and helpful responses according to kids’ age groups

Helping children after a wildfire: Tips for caregivers and teachers (National Association of School Psychologists, 2023).

Coping After a Natural Disaster (Zero to Three) – Resource for parents of babies and toddlers

Coping with Trauma and Stress in the Face of Wildfires: Tips for Early Childhood Educators (Zero to Three) – Resource for Early Childhood Educators

Grief & Loss Resources

Helping Kids Cope: The National Child Traumatic Stress Network offers Parent Guidelines for Helping Children Impacted by Wildfires and other resources for helping children handle a wildfire disaster and offers tools like an activity guide for children and teens who face evacuation in a disaster. You can also download the Help Kids Cope Phone App for Apple or Help Kids Cope Phone App for Android.

Links to Accurate/Official Information

PUSD newsletter sign-up

Altadena Fire Recovery Information & Resources

Los Angeles County Wildfire Recovery Resources

Sign Up To Receive Daily Updates On Emergency Information And Recovery Resources (scroll to bottom of page to enter email)

Watch Duty - Eaton Fire

CalFire Incident Information Center

LA County Emergency Notification sign-up

LA County Road Closures

Pasadena Do-Not-Drink-Water Notification FAQ

Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) Now Available to Los Angeles County Workers Impacted by California Wildfires and Severe Winds

Genasys Protect evacuation information

Nixle notifications from LASD (Altadena Station)

Nixle notifications from Pasadena Fire Department

Los Angeles County Fire Department Youtube (view community meetings and press conferences)

Eaton Fire Damage Map

Commissioner Ricardo Lara Insurance Support Workshop in Pasadena (1/25 and 1/26)

Sign Up for Air Alerts from South Coast AQMD

City of Pasadena Eaton Fire Updates Page

City Of Pasadena Reinforces That Arbitrary Evictions and Predatory Rent Increases Are Prohibited

Fire Debris Removal Program

Essential Resources for Housing Recovery After Eaton Fire

U.S. Congresswoman Judy Chu's Eaton Fire Resource Guide

Check Power Outage Status

State/Official Guides and Informational Resources

CalFire Returning Home Checklist

CalFire Returning Home After A Wildfire Checklist PDF

CalFire Rebuillding Post-Wildfire

Duplication of Benefits: What It Means 

Safety tips for downed power lines

Rebuilding After a Wildfire

Disaster Debris Removal & Construction Scams

Wildfire Smoke & Ash Health & Safety Tips

LA County Public Health guidance for returning after a fire

Preparing to Return to Your Property After the Fires: Frequently Asked Questions

Returning Home After a Fire

Property and Vital Records for LA Country Residents Affected by the Fires FAQ

Disaster Supply Kits (Ready LA County)

Power Outages (Ready LA County)

Preparing for Wildfires (Ready LA County)

Wildfire Resources from the California Department of Insurance

Top Ten Tips for Wildfire Claimants

Don't Get Scammed After a Disaster Information Guides

Tips to avoid being victimized by an insurance scam

Residential Property Claims Information Guides

Be Smoke Ready (AirNow Guide)

When Smoke Is In The Air (AirNow Guide)After A Fire (AirNow Guide)

Respiratory Protection During Fire Cleanup 

Worker Safety and Health During Fire Cleanup

Worker Protection During Cleaning and Rebuilding After a Wildfire & Protecciones para los trabajadores durante la limpieza y reconstrucción posteriores a un incendio forestal

Worker Protection from Wildfire Smoke & Protecciones para los trabajadores contra el humo de incendios forestales

N9​​​5 Respirator​ Masks FAQs

DTSC Emergency Guidance on Wildfires Fact Sheet #1

DTSC Emergency Guidance on Wildfires Fact Sheet #2

Factsheet: Protect Your Lungs from Wildfire Smoke or Ash & Proteja sus pulmones del humo o las cenizas provocados por los incendios forestales

Factsheet: Indoor Air Filtration & Filtración del aire interior

Factsheet: Coping with the Stress of Wildfire Smoke

Factsheet: Protect Yourself from Ash & Protéjase de las cenizas

Factsheet: At-Risk Groups of People

Pasadena Public Health Department Guidance for Parents and Caregivers After a Wildfire

Wildfire and Windstorm Resources for L.A. County Schools & Communities 

Safety Precautions and Ash Exposure Prevention

Returning Home After a Fire Frequently Asked Questions

How to Clean Up Smoke and Soot from a Fire Health Fact Sheet

Precautions When Assessing Your Property After a Fire

Coping with Disaster

Replacing Personal Documents After a Natural Disaster

Articles/Resources with Helpful Information

FAQ for Homeowners Affected by the Eaton Wildfire

Free Ebook: Rising from the Ashes 

L.A. fires: Is that GoFundMe account legit? How to spot scams when helping victims

How to Write a GoFundMe Fundraiser Story that Inspires Donations

Know-Your-Rights Resource for Workers Impacted by Wildfires in Los Angeles Area

If you lost your home or business in the wildfires, here’s what to do next

First Steps After a Wildfire checklist

What to Do After a Wildfire?

What Renters Should Know if Their Home Is Damaged by Wildfires

How To Replace Important Documents

Workers’ Rights During Disasters

Wildfire Smoke Protections for Workers

School Rights After A Disaster

Rights of Power and Gas Customers After a Disaster

2025 Disaster Legal Resources

Consumer Tips & Fraud Prevention from Disaster Legal Assistance Collaborative

Document and Record Replacement information from Disaster Legal Assistance Collaborative

Employment and Related Benefits information from Disaster Legal Assistance Collaborative

Fema information from Disaster Legal Assistance Collaborative

Housing information from Disaster Legal Assistance Collaborative

Insurance information from Disaster Legal Assistance Collaborative

Public Benefits information from Disaster Legal Assistance Collaborative

Personal Finances & Taxes information from Disaster Legal Assistance Collaborative

FAQs: Tenant Rights After a Disaster

Guide to Applying for FEMA Disaster Assistance

Avoiding Scams During Disaster Recovery

Unemployment Benefits for Workers Affected by Los Angeles Wildfires

Tenants' Rights After a Disaster (2025 LA Fires) Video Presentation

Talking With Children About Disasters

Resources for Parents Navigating the California Wildfires

Here for Each Other Family Guide on Wildfires from Sesame Street

Talking to Children About Wildfires and Other Natural Disasters

LA After the Fires: Tenant Demands and Resources for Renters

Wildfire and Smoke Safety Resources from the Coalition for Clean Air

The Fires: Air Quality, Public Health & What to Do Next (video)

The Fires 2: Hazardous Waste, Air Quality & Water Safety

DIY Air Filter Guide & Filtro de aire hecho en casa

Smoke Exposure in the Workplace (Infographic) & Exposición al Humo en el Lugar de Trabajo

The difference between N95 and surgical masks (video)

Boiling won’t help. Explaining the Palisades and Altadena ‘Do Not Use’ water alerts

Now that you can return home after the fires, how do you clean up safely?

I was forced to evacuate my home. Do I still need to pay my mortgage, rent, utility bills?

What to know about temporary housing, rents, price gouging during firestorm

Lose your essential documents in the L.A. fires? Here’s how you can replace them

Fire victims can get aid from the feds. How to apply for FEMA and avoid potential scams

How to get property tax relief if your house burned in the fires






The Door of Hope Board unanimously approved the launch of Door of Hope’s Eaton Fire Housing Assistance Program —a lifeline for displaced families to find safety and rebuild their lives. This program provides critical support through two key initiatives:
Transitional Housing for up to 8 families in 2025

As current residents of our Pasadena shelters transition into permanent housing, we will dedicate vacant units to fire victims. These families will have access to safe shelter and Door of Hope’s full range of resources, including housing navigation and support services, to help them regain stability.

Housing Assistance & Disaster Case Management for up to 50 families: This brand new service will come alongside very low-income families who have lost their home in the fire and provide:

  • Disaster Case Management: Helping families navigate FEMA and other community resources, provide crisis support, and develop a roadmap to long-term stable housing
  • Housing Assistance: Addressing financial and housing gaps not covered by FEMA or insurance, including rent, move-in costs, and other critical needs


Here is a link to a (growing) list of businesses that were lost in the Eaton Fire:

Thank you Chamber member James DiPietro of DiPietro Holdings  and Crown City Podcast for sharing the list.


We have compiled a number of resources for fire victims with information and assistance. (This is not comprehensive, but is what I know as of now.)

Please do not hesitate to ask for help or apply for relief. 

Pasadena Community Foundation has a fire relief fund and is accepting donations to help victims of the Eaton Fire. You can get information and donate at

Pasadena Educational Foundation has opened a Fire Response Fund to assist PUSD families harmed by the fire. You can find information at 

There are many opportunities to donate items to help those in need. if you donate, please indicate you want your support to go to those impacted by the Eaton Fire.

The generosity of local people wanting to aid fire victims has overwhelmed some donation sites. Here are places still accepting donations (as of Friday afternoon):

Here is a link to a spreadsheet with a (fairly) comprehensive list of organizations and places to donate items to help victims:

Representative Judy Chu and her staff have compiled resources and links to assistance here:


The Army Corps of Engineers indicated that ECC is the main contractor for disaster recovery work.  ECC, via their website, has a popup for local contractors to pre-register if they are interested in partnering with them to perform disaster recovery work in the LA Area.  For any contractors interested in debris clean-up work, please submit a Pre-Qualification form via that website as soon as possible. (There is always red tape... It's he government after all.) BUT this could be an opportunity for your company.

Here are a few resources for counseling and mental health support: 

  • CALHope: Offers free crisis counseling for disaster survivors or 833-317-4673
  • Disaster Distress Helpline: Provides 24/7 emotional support for those affected by natural disasters 1-800-985-5990 or Text “TalkWithUs” to 66746
  • LA County Department of Mental Health: Offers further resources for individuals and families dealing with trauma. or 1-800-854-7771

Here is a link to the City of Pasadena X (the social media site formerly known as Twitter) feed for up-to-date info:


City of Pasadena - Eaton Emergency Business Impact Survey 

The ongoing Eaton Emergency has posed significant challenges to the Pasadena business community. To better understand those challenges and the breadth and depth of impact to local businesses, and to provide tailored advocacy and support, the City of Pasadena Economic Development Division asks that Pasadena business owners please complete the following survey. The survey is 15 questions and should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. Individual responses will remain confidential, and all information provided will be aggregated and anonymized to ensure privacy.

Click here to complete the Survey 



Want Accurate and Up to Date Information?

The latest up-to-date information on the current fires can be found through the following:

Watch Duty: - a nonprofit that alerts the public of nearby wildfires and firefighting efforts in real-time.

LAist: The culture website has compiled a list of resources:

Mutual Aid LA Network: An extensive list of resources for fire evacuees and folks who want to help.

Assistance & Other Services

SBA Disaster Assistance Loans: The U.S. SBA announced that certain private nonprofit (PNP) organizations in LA County may now apply for low-interest federal disaster loans to offset physical damage and economic losses caused by wildfires and straight-line winds that began Jan. 7.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): Residents & businesses in evacuation zones can apply now for relief at

This includes:

  • Temporary displacement assistance (e.g., hotel costs for 2 weeks)
  • $770 for essential personal items
  • Large grants for needs like medical bills & car repairs

You can also call the FEMA helpline at 800-621-3362. Press 3 for an interpreter who speaks your language.

FEMA Assistance is available for residents impacted by LA County wildfires

How to Apply

There are three ways to apply:

1. Online at

If you have access to the internet and your electronic devices have power, applying online is easiest, fastest, and most convenient.

2. On the FEMA App for mobile devices

3. The FEMA Helpline at 1-800-621-3362

Calls are accepted every day from 4 a.m. to 10 p.m. PST. Help is available in most languages. If you use a relay service such as video relay, captioned telephone, or other service, give FEMA the number for that service.

4. At a Disaster Recovery Center

LA County survivors who have damage to their home, personal property, or disaster-caused emergency needs due to the wildfires can get in-person assistance at a Disaster Recovery Center. At DRCs, survivors can get help applying for federal assistance, speak to representatives from state and federal agencies, receive updates on the FEMA application for assistance and learn about the appeals process.

Multilingual Resources from the California Department of Insurance: Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara's office is offering timely resources on their webpage.

Misfortune and Calamity Tax Relief: You may be eligible for tax relief if your property is damaged or destroyed by a calamity, such as fire or flooding. To qualify, you must file an Application for Reassessment: Property Damaged or Destroyed by Misfortune or Calamity (ADS-820) with the Assessor’s Office within 12 months from the date the property was damaged or destroyed. The loss must exceed $10,000 of current market value.

211 LA: provides assistance and referrals to local resources for housing, food, health, and other services. Dial 211 or visit

CAR Rentals: An extensive list of resources is available from the California Apartment Rentals Association.


The American Red Cross offers shelter, meals, and emotional support. Visit Red Cross Find Open Shelters or call 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767)

Asbestos Care: Wildfires present numerous hazards, yet one often underestimated risk is asbestos exposure. During fires, asbestos and other cancer-causing minerals can be released into the air as buildings burn, posing severe health risks. Follow the link to learn more about toxins released by older/outdated insulation.

How to Help

Red Cross Los Angeles: The Red Cross is helping those impacted by fires. If you would like to help you can donate money, volunteer or give blood. Volunteer shifts must be scheduled in advance! Visit the following link for more details.

Union Station Homeless Services: Union Station Homeless Services has had to evacuate a number of sites within the emergency evacuation zones and is urgently working to provide essential support to those affected. If you would like to help you can donate money, provide in-kind donations or volunteer. For more information, visit

Habitat for Humanity is thinking forward regarding the time to rebuild. Among the many worthy causes during the current natural disaster in Southern California, This means future volunteers for when it's time, gathering building materials, and locating warehouse space now to hold the materials until they are needed.

Where to Volunteer Google Doc: A constantly updated list of opportunities for where to make a difference.

Other places to donate:

California Fire Foundation

LA Fire Department

California Community Foundation

Pasadena Humane Society

World Central Kitchen