Here is the latest information I have related to COVID-19, opportunities and resources
Please be advised that Pasadena continues to see intermittent gatherings of large groups for peaceful protests. While information is often of a general nature with regard to the time and place of these demonstrations, we advise our businesses to remain aware that there exists the potential for large crowds and street closures at any point in time.
Local high school students have organized a peaceful protest today at 12 PM beginning at Central Park, continuing to Pasadena City Hall, and returning to the park. Later today, Black Lives Matter has peaceful protests planned through the evening. The group plans to meet at 5 PM at Pasadena Police Department, followed by a march beginning at 7 PM. There is not a published route for the march but assumption is to Old Pasadena and returning to City Hall for a vigil at 9 PM.
On Saturday, a Black Lives Matter protest is planned for 12 PM at City Hall.
The Pasadena Police Department has advised the following:
- Protesting activity is expected in Pasadena starting Friday, June 12 through this weekend. No new major incidents at this time, but please remain vigilant.
- REPORT TO PD: Please contact Pasadena Police regarding 1) Staging of rocks and/or bricks you observe and/or encounter 2) Any information you may be aware of regarding activity intended to cause harm. The Pasadena Police non-emergency phone number is 626-744-4241. For life threatening emergencies, please dial 911.
- If you have construction occurring at or around your business and/or property, please take the necessary steps to ensure tools and/or equipment are not left unattended or remain easily accessible if not in use.
On June 1, 2020, a free mobile application for restaurants was unveiled to the community. Pasadena Be Local Strong lists Pasadena area restaurants that are open for business. There are no charges to restaurants to be listed and no cost to for users to download the app. The application is a collaboration between Small World Communication and the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce as part of Small World’s Be Local Strong initiative. The app can be accessed online at
Businesses that want to be listed on the site can go to: and put in their information. Right now, the app only lists restaurants, but retail and service businesses will be added soon. The app is available to any retail or service business in the greater Pasadena area. Membership in the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce is not required to be listed.
City of Pasadena Revises Health Orders to allow gyms and others to re-open. The City of Pasadena has issued a revised Health Order that allows for additional sectors of the local economy to reopen while the community slows the spread of COVID-19. Sectors included in the latest health order and deemed safe to reopen with appropriate health protocols in place include day camps; hotels, lodging and short-term rentals; museums and galleries; fitness facilities, including pools; music, film and TV production; and professional sports- without spectators. To view the revised health order, click here.
Public Health Protocol Checklist & Guidance
If your business is identified as one eligible to reopen under the revised Public Health Order, your business must implement industry-specific protocols and complete a checklist to resume operations. Guidance is expected to be published within the next 24 hours on the city website for the following sectors: Fitness Facilities; Hotels, Lodging & Short Term Rentals; Day Camps; Museums & Galleries; Music, TV & Film Production; Professional Sports without Spectators
Guidance is posted to the City's website throughout the weekend. Please continue to check the website for additional updates. To access the COVID website, click here.
The County of Los Angeles is regularly updating resources on COVID-19 and offers today's update in an effort to keep you and yours informed.
New County Health Officer Order, Additional Reopenings Los Angeles County Health Department Ordered Stage 3 Openings in the county. Pasadena Public Health still to adopt similar orders.
LA County's Department of Public Health (DPH) has announced the reopening of key economic and community centers. Beginning tomorrow, June 12, day camps, fitness centers, spectator-free professional sports, museums, campgrounds and entertainment production is allowed to reopen.
A modified Health Order, to be issued by LA County's DPH, will highlight infection control and distancing requirements for each sector. The following locations are allowed to reopen as soon as tomorrow:
- Gyms and fitness facilities
- Professional sports without live audiences
- Day camps
- Museums, galleries, zoos and aquariums
- Campgrounds, RV parks and outdoor recreation
- Music, film and television production
- Hotels, lodging and short-term rentals for tourism and individual travel
With these reopenings, LA County will be in Phase 3 of the State’s Resilience Roadmap.
While the latest reopenings are a major step forward, they do not mean the threat of COVID-19 is gone. Read the press release to see a list of Reopening Requirements and Guidelines employers, employees and the public will need to follow. Additionally, all County residents are reminded they must continue to:
- Practice physical distancing.
- Wear cloth face coverings.
- Follow public health directives.
We will continue to monitor the spread of COVID-19 and the capacity of our healthcare system to provide county residents with essential services. Should the rate of infection (and other key indicators) warrant, LA County may adjust orders to limit future reopenings or close reopened sectors.
Still Closed
Nail salons, tattoo shops, bars and wineries, movie theaters, live performance theaters, entertainment centers, concert halls and venues, stadiums, arenas, gaming facilities, theme parks and festivals are still closed. Click here for a detailed list of what is open and closed in L.A. County.
To keep up with LA County's recovery process, visit
Incident Report
Our daily report is a high-level summary of L.A. County Emergency Operations Center's response to the COVID-19 health emergency. Click here to view.
Storefront Signage for Public Health Protocol Compliance Public Health protocols require that businesses post signs within their stores to communicate face covering requirements, social distancing protocols, etc. with customers. The City has developed a sign containing all of the required information and it is available for download here.
New Industry Guidance for Gyms/Fitness Facilities, Museums, etc. Coming This Week Later this week, the City of Pasadena, along with Los Angeles County and the State of California, is expected to announce the next phase of business reopening. Through this announcement, it is anticipated that gyms/fitness facilities; day camps; museums and galleries; music, film and television productions; hotels, lodging and short-term rentals for tourism and individual travel will be able to reopen. In order to reopen in Pasadena, a revised Public Health Order will need to be issued by the City's Health Officer. In order to resume operations, businesses will be required to implement the protocols and complete a checklist. Businesses are encouraged to check the City's COVID-19 webpage on Friday for updates to the city health order and guidance. Updated guidance will be posted here.
New Expedited Plan Check & Permitting Application Portal The City's expedited permit and plan check application portal was launched last week and allows for qualified restaurants and retail businesses to apply for express plan checks for structural and non-structural tenant improvements; administrative conditional use permits for alcohol sales; expedited design reviews; and temporary outdoor dining permits (for private property, sidewalks, and alleys). As part of the launch of the new portal, the City has modified certain code regulations to assist business reopen while adhering to Public Health Protocols and social distancing requirements related to COVID-19. For more information and to submit an application, click here.
Apply for Los Angeles County Development Authority's Small Business Recovery Loan Program If your business is located within a quarter mile of a major transit stop, you might be eligible for a loan for up to $20,000 to help recover from COVID-19 impacts. The application period for this program has been extended thru 5 pm, June 19th. For more information and to apply, click here.
You can apply for the LISC Small Business Relief Grants for small businesses facing immediate financial pressure because of Covid-19. The Round 4 application period is now open. Click here to apply. Your application must be completed by Wednesday, June 17th, 11:59 p.m. ET. Before completing the application, we recommend you review our Grant Information Overview and FAQ, which can be found here.
Please keep the following in mind: For business owners with multiple businesses, please answer this survey based on your largest business owned. Each awardee is limited to one grant. Grants will be made to qualified businesses and based on accurate and complete submission and verification of required documentation. This round of applications must be submitted by Wednesday, June 17th, 11:59 p.m. ET. If you have questions not answered by the FAQ, please email We are monitoring this inbox and updating the FAQ accordingly.
Beauty Changes Lives and Creative Nail Design Beauty Changes Lives: Deadline to apply: June 30, 2020. These $1,000 grants will provide financial assistance to beauty professionals or students of beauty programs, whose lives have been drastically changed by the mandated closures in response to COVID-19. Currently our CND x BCL Relief Grant is open of application to nail professionals who are unemployed and cannot maintain their regular income during this time, these one-time $1,000 grants will be distributed directly to the applicant to provide temporary financial relief. To Qualify Applicants Must:, 1. Be a licensed nail professional and have been employed for 12 months on or before March 16, 2020. 2. Reside in the United States and must currently not be earning an income. Sign up to begin the process of applying here:
Hairdressers At Heart: Deadline to apply: June 20, 2020. Licensed professional hairstylists and nail techs to salon owners and educators, can apply to receive one of 230 relief checks totaling up to $1,000 each to assist in their pandemic relief and recovery. Hairdressers at Heart was built to support and celebrate beauty professionals at every step of their careers –– even the most difficult. COVID-19 has made an unprecedented impact on our industry, and as we watched it unfold, we began to ask: How can we make an impact where it matters most? How can we make a change in the industry we promised to uplift? You can find informaton on the grant program here:
Fueled By Purpose: MicroGrant Opportunity. My Founder's Story:Deadline to apply: June 28, 2020
To qualify for a Fueled by Purpose micro grant, you must be a woman business owner who is a legal resident of the United States, and 18 years of age or older. You must have a majority women-owned (51%-100%) legally established business entity in the U.S. that is at least one year old and generates less than $100,000 in annual revenue. Every Monday beginning April 20, 2020, one $500 grant winner will be randomly selected from grant applications submitted the week prior. You can find info here:
Join the SBA Fresno District Office and SBA Office of Disaster Assistance on Tuesday - June 16, 2020 at 11:00am (PST) to Learn about the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL), Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and Loan Forgiveness. The Paycheck Protection Program continues to accept applications and provide assistance to small businesses. With various SBA emergency business resources available, we understand you have a lot of questions and uncertainty on PPP and EIDL Loan Programs and request for loan forgiveness. If you joined previous SBA Webinars, we will be covering the latest information, providing updates, and holding a Q&A session for attendees. Registration is not required. Click on the Participation link below on Tuesday - June 16, 2020 at 11:00am (PST) to join the conference.
SBDC Offers Daily Webinars on COVID-19 Relief Options (plus 3 Weekly Webinars in Spanish!)
California’s SBDCs are hosting a daily live webinar and Q&A on the Economic Injury Disaster Loan and the Paycheck Protection Program. Daily, 3pm. Register here for free. Webinar en Español Todos los Lunes, Miercoles, y Viernes a las 12 pm Regístrese Aquí Additionally, Pasadena City College's SBDC office is offering SBA Loan Updates every Tuesday and Thursday.
Kaiser Permanente releases Playbook for reopening businesses.
Kaiser Permanente has released a playbook, “Planning for the Next Normal at Work,” to guide workplaces during the COVID-19 pandemic and prepare to bring employees back to traditional work environments. As the nation’s largest nonprofit, integrated health system serving 12.4 million members, Kaiser Permanente provides health coverage to approximately 14,400 large and 74,000 small businesses. The intent goal of this playbook is to provide trusted, expert-informed guidance to help businesses restart their workplaces in a way that best safeguards the health of their employees. As stay-at-home restrictions ease and people begin to return to their workplaces, the ability for employers to protect the physical, mental, and social well-being of their employees will be paramount. The 98-page playbook includes information and guidance from trusted sources such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, state and county health departments, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
As stores, restaurants, gyms, yoga studios, service businesses, offices and others reopen, these Pasadena Chamber members can provide supplies, equipment and more to enable your smooth and safe re-opening:
Here are some local resources you may need (and can support local businesses as you do):
The Print Spot is offering free Open/Closed/Taking Orders signs for any business that wants it. To pre-order, please email THESE ARE FREE FOR PASADENA CHAMBER MEMBERS COURTESY OF THE PRINT SPOT.
Download the order form here:
The Print Spot can also provide 6 feet distance floor indicators, along with signs reminding emloyees to wash hands as well as traffic directional signs for those narrow hallways. These are not free but The Print Spot is always competitive. Call The Print Spot at 323-269-4218;
Please follow the guidelines and maintain social distancing. If at all possible, when you are in public and could interact with anyone at all, please wear a mask. You can make your own or purchase a mask through s number of Chamber members.
As the businesses are reopening in Pasadena and taking every effort to ensure safety and comfort of their staff and customers, I wanted to reach out and let them know that Shield48 reusable face shields are now available in Pasadena.
Shield48 is a reusable face shield used as a personal protective equipment (PPE) and manufactured in Europe in cooperation with infectology and ICU specialists in conformity with the official guidelines from CDC and WHO. Each reusable face shield set includes 3 replaceable screens that can endure 100 cycles of sanitizing. Shields48 are comfortable to wear and ensure your protection all day everyday. Download the flyer here:
Face protection can be purchased through Pasadena Chamber member Beck and Call. Click here to email for info. They can create branded PPE equipment for you and your business.
Pasadena Chamber member Stark Spirits distillery retooled to manufacture approved sanitizer. You can find all the details here to get your cleaning and sanitizing products locally.
Maintco Corp. is a woman owned Pasadena Chamber member organization located in Burbank that caters to construction, maintenance and sanitation needs of varying industries. Maintco Corp. created its Maintco Certification Program that uses OSHA-approved processes to encourage a #SaferLA as businesses reopen and operate with the recent COVID-19 related restrictions and regulations. The 5-Step Maintco Certification Program Includes: Sanitizing the Facility - Maintco technicians will deep clean and sanitize all hard and porous surfaces using CDC-approved and EPA-registered sanitizers. Installing Air Filtration - Maintco’s certified technicians will install a CDC-recommended HEPA Filtration System into HVAC units to capture 99.97% of airborne allergens and viruses. Physical Protective Barriers - Maintco technicians will install translucent acrylic barriers or sneeze guards in areas requiring close physical contact. Touchless Technology - Maintco’s certified plumbers and electricians will install motion-sensored appliances and technology (toilets, hand dryers, lighting, air conditioning, door openers, etc.) throughout the facility. Visual Reminders - Maintco technicians will distribute informational and directional signs at entrances, restrooms, and other highly frequented areas.
Contact Lindsay via phone or email for information on how a Maintco Certification can help your business promote a #SaferLA. Email - Cell - (951) 805-3371
Pasadena Restaurateurs that may be reopening soon to help them accommodate their Social Distancing Seating when guests return. Many will be using additional sidewalk space, portions of parking lots, patios and areas not currently used. Dolphin Event Service's website has many useful selections on the header that help explain how a typical set-up is done. Whether it be Vinyl fencing, lattice or hedge panels, barricades, or even stanchions, we can create areas with comfortable access/egress that will maintain the CDC and County distancing guidelines. We offer discounted monthly rates designed especially for the Covid-19 crisis that are affordable.

M3 Office has solutions for social distancing and workplace safety. Download the info here:
M3 problem_solving_product_suggestions.pdf
Hello Pasadena businesses. I would like to create and gift a free “Branding” photo session for your business. I am looking for upto 5 Pasadena small businesses that have been affected by the Covid-19 shutdown. I would like to highlight your business with a complete photo session which captures your business space, and yourself as a portrait. Photographer Jerry Camarillo (multiple Images of Pasadena Photo Contest winner) wants to help promote you and your business. Via social media and the like. You are free to use the images as you’d like as well of course. This is for you to show off what makes you, you and it fits into my tag line, ‘Reveal Your Awesome”. If it is a restaurant, I will shoot your space with 4 to 5 images, 3 to 5 dishes if possible, and yourself in the space. I will also interview you about how you are moving forward post Covid. A simple sentence or two can be enough, more is welcomed. This all serves as a small way in how I can be of service to you, and you are also helping me build a portfolia of “Personal Branding Photography”. Its a win, win ! Thank you for your consideration, and let’s get back to business. Always grateful Jerry Camarillo Voted Best Photographer in Pasadena 626-375-6684
Exer Urgent Care, an ER alternative staffed by ER doctors, also announced onsite testing for COVID-19 is available at clinic locations across Southern California. Exer is now offering drive-up testing for COVID-19 in Pasadena. In Pasadena, Exer Urgent care is located at 3160 East Del Mar in Pasadena. You are advised to make an appointment in advance.
ChapCare on North Lake Avenue is also providing COVID-19 testing.
THE PCC SBDC IS HERE TO HELP. No-Cost Assistance. NEW Webinars. SBDC advisors are available to meet with you via Zoom. Business growth and recovery assistance includes: Disaster Loan Applications; "Life After Covid" Business Planning; Creating New Sales Streams; Leveraging Resources; And much more; Contact us for no-cost assistance. 626-585-3105 REGISTER FOR ASSISTANCE or CONTACT US
Here is a link to up-to-date COVID-19 infection rates by county.

Pasadena Magazine is putting together a special Pasadena Strong section in which advertisers could voice their support for the community and contribute financially at the same time. With 10% of all ad buys going to local charities supporting Covid19 relief support this is our way of giving back as a magazine and a brand. Download the info here: